Traveling Wastewater Treatment Technicians
Jan 17, 2020 | Jim Bernier
Water and wastewater treatment plant technicians and operators manage a system of machines, often through the use of control room computer panels, to transfer or treat water or wastewater.
Other more hands on duties include; Adding chemicals, such as ammonia or chlorine, to disinfect water or other liquids; regular inspection of equipment, monitoring operating conditions through reading meters and gauges, collecting water and sewage samples for testing, recording meter and gauge readings and other operational data, reporting to regulatory agencies, operate and set up equipment to purify and clarify water or to process or dispose of sewage, clean and maintain or replace equipment, tanks, filter beds, and other work areas, all while following EPA guidelines and following OSHA safety standards.
Water treatment plant and system operators work in water treatment plants. Fresh water is pumped from wells, rivers, streams, or reservoirs to water treatment plants, where it is treated and distributed to customers. Water treatment plant and system operators run the equipment, control the processes, and monitor the plants that treat water to make it safe to drink.
Wastewater treatment plant and system operators remove pollutants from domestic and industrial waste. Used water, also known as wastewater, travels through sewer pipes to treatment plants where it is treated and either returned to streams, rivers, and oceans, or used for irrigation.
When looking for experienced and qualified Water & Wastewater Treatment Technicians many municipal plants, Construction and Engineering employers choose Black-Peak to provide them with staff augmentation, or short term and long term contract personnel. M Black-Peak’s experienced personnel have years of experience and can travel to most work sites for various duration or rotational schedule work.